Sunday, September 30, 2012



 The New York Yankees is one of the best baseball teams in my opinion!  They’re such a strong team and they can’t be compared to any other baseball team.  Ever since I was little I was a huge Yankees fan.  My dad, grams and I would watch the games together in the living room and make wings and eat pizza together.  My favorite players on the team are Derek Jeter, Andy Pettitte, Mariano Rivera, Nick Swisher, and Mark Teixeira I haven’t been to as many Yankees games as I would like to, but I always watched the games on television.  I went to the original stadium a few years ago with a friend and I am so glad I did because that was truly history!  I remember my first time walking into the stadium I couldn’t believe I was finally there!  When I walked out and headed to find my seat and saw the Yankees line up and saw Andy Pettitte take the mound I couldn’t believe my eyes.  You could just feel the excitement from the crowd as they applauded.  The whole experience was just great.  Just this past August I went to the new Yankee stadium with a friend, who was not nearly as fascinated by the Yankees as I am, however, it was just as amazing.  Again when I saw C.C. Sabathia take the mound I still couldn’t believe that I was there.  It’s a feeling no one will understand unless you are a huge fan and go to a game for the first time.  I will never forget the memories I had and I can’t wait to make some new memories.             
1. New York Yankees- a baseball team in New York
2. Opinion- a personal viewpoint
3. History- past events in a period of time
4. Stadium- the area where the game is played
5. Excitement- the feeling over enjoyment
6. Applauded- clapping hands to praise
7. Fascinated- Interested
Vocabulary Activity - Match the following related words:
Fascinated                                       A. Interested
New York Yankees                         B. Personal viewpoint
Opinion                                           C. Clapping hands to praise
Excitement                                       D. A baseball team in New York
History                                             E. Past events in a period of time
Applauded                                       F. The feeling over enjoyment  
Stadium                                           G. The area where the game is played
Grammar Point: Parts of Speech

Nouns: person, place, thing, idea

Verbs: demonstrate action or being

Adverbs: most adverbs tell you how, where or when something is done. They modify verbs, adjectives or other adverbs

Adjectives: describing words, describe nouns or pronouns.
Grammar Exercise: Parts of Speech
1. Identify the parts of speech for each of the seven vocabulary words.  The parts of speech for the vocabulary words include:  nouns, verbs, adverbs, and adjectives.

1 comment:

  1. I like the Yankees too, but I have never been to their stadiums. I have been to Shea though.

    I like the grammar exercise.
